Could a man invent Islam?


Love is our mother


Having read so far, the thought the Islam was probably invented by and intelligent person may cross the mind of an objective reader. With regard to that thought, I believe that after developing a true understanding of Islamic teachings and after considering all aspects of Islam, an objective reader can decide what the answer is to this question. The following arguments will assist in reaching a decision.

When studying Islam closely, one discovers that it covers a wide array of physical and metaphysical subjects concerning human life on earth and that it provides guidance for every situation, time, and era. Islam’s university covers all aspects of human necessities, even those of which man cannot conceive.

How could a man, about fifteen hundred years ago, formulate a comprehensive way of life that encompasses human beings every need for all times to come? How could he ensure that his teachings would remain valid for all times and situations, even until the Day of Judgement?  How could he have predicted the future with such precision? How could he have developed such a system of life that would survive for centuries and not even be altered slightly?  How Could he leave such an indelible mark on history that would be so vivid and valid, even after centuries have passed?


He would have to be Superhuman or to have received direct inspiration from a supernatural source. However, History is a witness that he was a man; therefore, he could not have invented such a perfect system of life. This perfection must definitely have come from somewhere else, and where else could it be but from the Lord!   Only the Lord , the Almighty, knows all the weaknesses and needs of His creation and could prescribe such a unique and transcendent system, valid for all times and for all places.


” Even if a single claim of the Holy Prophet of Islam and Holy Qur’an could be disproved, the entire structure of Islam would crumble”


Islam is so confident about its teachings, it claims that no one can change, replace, or add anything to it to make it anymore perfect or to lose/disprove its perfection.  This centuries old claim is still open for challenge. Islam claims to be the perfect way of life, and this claim is certainly valid. Even to this day, researchers successfully find what ever they are searching for. If one cannot locate something in Islam in the first instance, all one has has to do is dig a bit deeper, and one will certainly come across it. Islam contains the knowledge of everything and fulfills every human needs.

All of Islam’s challenges,claims,and qualities are clear proof of its absolute truthfulness. If it were an innovation of any individual,he would never make the claim of infallibility. Therefore, the Architect of Islam must have been certain that no one could meet its challenges or counter its claims. If the architect were a human, he could not be definitely certain about his innovated system. If even a single claim of  the holy prophet of Islam & the Holy Qur’an could be disproved, the entire structure of Islam wold crumble. This has not happened so far and, as claimed, will never happen because this holy system is not an innovation of human being [ Qur’an 4:82]


Inspired by the initial divine revelations and commandments, and as commanded by Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) began to preach the message of Islam. At first, those who had complete confidence in him embraced Islam because of his personal qualities of trustworthiness and compassion. As more and more people witnessed his moral character and the powerful message of Islam that he preached, the circle of Islam began to increase.

If he were the architect of Islam, as claimed by some, then upon gaining so much success, why did he call people to the Lord and not to himself? Why did he not claim this religion to be something of his own making? He did not do so because it was not his invention. It is, in fact, the continuation of the guidance that previous prophets of Allah brought to humankind. This divine guidance was merely perfected with the final revelations’ to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them).

In the posting ahead, we will lean in detail that for either a Muslim by Birth or anyone who newly embraces Islam, it is necessary to certify one’s faith in Islam, not only verbally, but by believing in it from the heart as well. As such, let us suppose for the sake of argument that the inventor of Islam were a human being. If so he could not possibly read the hearts of people to tell if someone had certified his or her faith from the heart. Why would he even bother to require this kind of certification, which he him self cannot prove or disprove? Clearly, this goes against logic. His main concern would be to increase the number of his followers in order to achieve his purpose, whatever it may be. However, if he was truly conveying the Lord’s message and fulfilling his duties to connect the creation to the Creator, he would put forth all the requirements that make that connection possible and that are required by the Creator Himself.


The declaration of faith (Verbally) fulfills the requirement of entering into Islam and becoming a member of the Muslim community and brotherhood. Certifying it from the heart is directly related to being accepted by the Lord and to achieving ultimate success. The prophet (Peace be upon them) was required to secure both, declaration and certification. Had he invented Islam, one declaration would suffice.

This is another proof that Islam is not a human invention.


In my view, this much is sufficient, but readers will continue to come across more evidence that will enable them to conclude that Islam is not a human invention. Keeping Islam’s divinity in mind., I hope the reader can attain a true understanding of it.

This post is in series of many to come on the topic of Islam from a Sufi Perspective. More articles are to follow. Please follow in the Category : Islam as a Sufi Perspective.



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