Monthly Fathia Sharif Sufi Events

Panjvi Sharif , Chatti Sharif , Gyarmee sharif, Ekisvi Sharif are all montly Fathia events that are Commemoration days  for specific Sufi Walli Allah’s.


Panjvi Sharif is a Fathia prayer for Hz Usman Harooni ( R.A) . They were Pir 0 Murshid of Hz khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). This event is organised for the Specific Esaal-e-Sawaab for Hz Usman Harooni (R.A). This event is organised on the 5th of Every Sufi Lunar month.


Chatti Sharif is a Fathia Prayer for Hz Khwaja Moinuddin Sanjari Chsihty (R.A). Therefore this event is organised for the specific Esaal-e-Swaab of khwaja Gharib Nawaz on every 6th day of the lunar month.


Similar in fashion  Gyarmee is fathia sharif for Hz Ghus-ul- Azam (R.A). Commemorated on Every 11th day of the Lunar month.


Ekisvi Sharif is Fathia sharif for Hz Ali ( Karam Allah Wajhu). Commemorated on 21st of Every Lunar month.


  It is important to mention that although these Fathia Sharif events are specific to particular Wali -Allah’s (Saints). Prayer is generally said for the all deceased in the Sufi world . From Hz Adam (A.S) to present day. So Essal-e-Sawaab is received to all deceased in equal amounts.

  Thus it is highly recommended for individuals to take take part in this noble cause regularly, be it financially or by means of assistance in organising such events since not only does the deceased reap the rewards of these blessed events via Esaal-e-Sawaab but the people who are present in this world partaking in such events also receive blessings and good fortune.

   It is very well known in the Sufi world that taking part in such Fathia Sharif or Esaal-e-Sawaab events mentioned above many obstacles in the way of Worldly affairs are removed. Similar, many Calamities are eased in the way of improvement in Health,Wealth and Prosperity & strong Faith (Imaan).

Please be aware that many organise such events of Gyarmee sharif ..Etc. & yet they are not spiritually authorised .. so be aware!!.

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